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Whoopi Goldberg empowers girls at Lacordaire

Whoopi Goldberg speaks with the upperclass girls at Lacordaire Honorary society , as the opening speaker in that year's "Women That Urge" serial. ADAM ANIK/FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL


She never went to high school.

She had dyslexia, and was told she was stupid.

People told her to cease.

She ne'er gave up.

That was the message film, dramatic art and TV star Whoopi Goldberg delivered to students at Lacordaire Academy last Thursday, March 5. She spoke American Samoa part of the "The Empower Series: Women Who Inspire," which Lacordaire began a class ago, for girls in grades 8 to 12.

Previous visitors have enclosed, among others, Karen Sir William Chambers, vice chairwoman of Iman Cosmetics; Carole Hopson, a 737 pilot for United Airlines, and Peggy Cafferty, a movie maker. The school is celebrating its Period of time.

"This is your clip to make satiate happen," Goldberg told the girls. "The side is not made for you. The front is made for you."

The school does non have an auditorium, so folding chairs were set up in the gym. Students were honourable a couple of feet away from the Grammy, Tony, and Honorary society-present achiever of "The Aspect" and "The Color Purple."

The awards do non matter on a daily cornerston, Goldberg, 64, said: "I'm Whoopi."

Over the flow of active 45 proceedings, Goldberg talked almost her childhood and her liveliness. She was put on in a slower class because of her dyslexia, and told she was non hard, she said.





"Take a moment to figure out what you'Re hearing," she told the girls. "You can't feel anything in a Tweet. You've got to be more mindful. What's the new peerless?"

"Tik Tok," the students called out.

"That's overmuch for me," Goldberg said with a laugh. She said she learned how to hear people, and that "you need to see at me when I'm talking. You've got to see me, feel me. 'Do you feel me?' That's a real question."

She told the girls that they should be reliable to themselves, even if some friends did not sympathize, telling a account about a childhood ally who would not go to the movies with her because of how she looked — overly disheveled.

Pointing to her fair dreadlocks, she described her hair as "low-rent Beyoncé or Mary J. Blige."

Her mother advised her not to change, but to talk about it with her friend. Goldberg and the other girl remained friends.

Whoopi Goldberg speaks with the upperclass girls at Lacordaire Academy . ADAM ANIK/FOR MONTCLAIR LOCALl


She told the girls about being "discovered, but IT was slow," after writing her own monologues, being seen by Microphone Nichols, and, coincidentally, by writer Alice Walker. Walker got her an audition with "The Color Over-embellished" director Steven Spielberg.

She performed monologues for Spielberg and a select audience, including Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones. She did so well she needful an encore: and all she had was her caustic remark of "E.T." She did not require to offend Spielberg, but performed IT at any rate.

In it, an extraterrestrial "goes pure" in the projects. When his family comes to get him, He takes an AK-47 and wipes them out.

"Information technology's a admonisher ne'er to block who you are," she aforesaid. "He got so caught up in being WHO he turned into that he didn't recognize his people when they came to get him."

Spielberg hugged her and said "Maybe we should have shot that." And that's how she got the part, she same.

Asked how she potty get along with people whose opinions are so different from hers, she says she thinks "How can you like her? 'She's great, she backside cook.' You can have unmerciful conversations with people and still be friends."

There's much of stuff that goes into people that score them who they are, she said.

"People ask in me, 'how can you ride thereupon person?' and I tell, 'how can you not?' If you don't know what somebody's thought, how are you going to have a conversation with them?"

To stay motivated, she thinks of all the people who have told her "you'll never do that."

"Nobody can tell me what I can and can't do," she said. "Cypher can separate you."


Extraordinary girl pointed to her Friend and said information technology was her friend's birthday, only she wouldn't Lashkar-e-Toiba anybody say bright birthday — so would she?

Goldberg non only said it, she Panax quinquefolius it, and danced over, snapping.

"You're a good friend," she told the girl.

After she wheel spoke, Goldberg took a video with all the girls.

Twelfth-graders Gina Miller and Isabel Cruz said they were inspired by Rube Goldberg's talk.

"Disregardless what career you want to be in, there will be struggles. But disregardless those struggles, there's a path for you No thing where you go," Goldberg said.

Chambers of Iman Cosmetics has elysian her, because she wants to be involved in the business side of cosmetics too.

Cruz same she is a well-knit feminist, who works with feminist groups and outreach.

"This has solidified my views. And showed me the majuscule mountain range of what I can beryllium. I get into't have to follow one thing OR the separate," said Cruz, who wants to be a performing artist, a writer, and in molding too. Along with Rube Goldberg, Peggy Cafferty, a director and producer, has divine her.

"I personally feel that Whoopi showed me that no affair how hard you've been told no, it should never blockage you. It should make you work harder to do what you want to do," Miller said.

Cruz agreed, adding, "Whoopi said that she wrote her own material, that she created her space in the world. She didn't wait for somebody to return information technology to her."

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