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Call Back After Job Interview What to Say

In a job-seeking environment where once personal exchanges of information now happen via email and online job portals, a novel old-fashioned phone call could be the thing that sets you apart from the crowd. Whether you're cold-calling about potential employment opportunities or checking up on the status of an application, a professional approach can help you get a foot in the door.

Choose the Best Time and Place

Even if you're regularly tied to your phone, that doesn't mean it's advisable to take or place a business call anytime, anywhere. If you're calling a potential employer, do it in a quiet, private location where you're unlikely to be interrupted or otherwise disturbed. Make sure your battery is sufficiently charged as well, so you don't get cut off mid-sentence.


Even though many people use coffee houses as makeshift offices, the background noise can be very distracting. You'll make a better impression if both you and the person you're calling can hear each other clearly.

Know Who You're Calling

It's not always easy to figure out who to talk to about a job opening or potential interview. In some cases, it's the human resource office, and in other cases it's a department manager or even the business owner herself. You increase your odds of getting the information you're after if you connect with the right person. Look through the contacts or directory section of the company's website, and narrow the field of who it might be best to talk to. Call the company's main number and say something along the lines of:

Hi, I'm following up on a potential opening in the maintenance division. Would it be best for me to talk to Carole in the warehouse or Janice in HR?

When You're Following Up

If you've submitted a resume or job application for an open position, prepare a brief query to use when you make your call.


Hi, my name is Debra Browne, I recently submitted an application and resume for your open project manager position. I'm calling to make sure you received my materials and to ask if I can provide you with any additional information about myself.

If the individual you're talking to says she hasn't seen your application, ask for her email and say you'll forward her another copy.

If the person says applications are still being reviewed, ask when interviews for select candidates will begin. Say you look forward to receiving a call, and if you don't hear anything by the stated date, call back and check again.

If the individual says yes, the application has been received, make your case for setting an interview.


I'd love the chance to meet in person and learn more about this exciting opportunity.

If you're cold-calling a company simply to introduce yourself and inquire about job openings and potential interview opportunities, a more detailed verbal query works best. You'll want to give the person you're speaking to a snapshot of who you are and why you deserve an interview.


Hi, my name is Mary Jones. I'm an executive assistant with more than 20 years of experience, and I'm calling to see if you have any openings I might be qualified for.

If you're directed to a job portal or invited to send in a resume, make sure you get all the appropriate contact information for the decision-maker in the organization. Even if nothing is open, press for a friendly informal meeting anyway.


I'd love the opportunity to drop by for a few minutes and introduce myself in person.

It can sometimes be frustrating making phone calls to follow up on job leads, but a professional, friendly approach will make you stand out from the crowd.

Call Back After Job Interview What to Say
