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What to Say to a Man During Love Making

What a Libra Man Really Wants in Love

He values conversation, intelligence, honesty, and femininity

Libra guys are naturals in twosomes, which is why they're great when it comes to love. He has a secret love ally—his ruling planet is Venus herself. In romantic relationships, he's very responsive, and that's not his only attractive trait.

The Libra Man and Love

Libra men are often devilishly charming and socially confident. There are fewer awkward moments on those first dates because he knows how to put a woman at ease. He loves ultra-feminine women, bright minds, classic put-together looks, and an appreciation for (or participation in) the arts.

A Libra guy wants to make the best choice in love. He wants to be together all the time and finds partnership very natural. He's a serial monogamist. He makes friends easily, but his true desires in a relationship take time to discover. He often has an instinct for making women feel appreciated. Libra in love is flirty, easy-going, and at home with a lot of togetherness.

Here's a tip: Look at his Venus sign. This will give away his desires and also his version of a good time. To pique his interest, find out what he's fascinated by and start conversations about that. Plan first dates in stimulating settings with a lot to talk about, such as museums, cultural centers, and festivals.

A Sense of Self

The polarity is Aries, the sign of "I am." Libra is the first sign of knowing the self through what's reflected in the eyes of another (or the public). Because of this, some Libra men are hyper image conscious and take a lot of time with their look.

More than any other sign, he gets his sense of self through the relationship. The main focus is the give-and-take and how the two of you harmonize. He's looking for someone to complement him but also challenge him.

Don't forget, this is a cardinal sign, with an internal pressure to push into new ground. Through Libra and love, this can mean actively (and at times, forcefully) upgrading the relationship.

A Keen Observer

The detachment of Libra makes them great observers and astute listeners. The Libra man finds himself by closely observing what's mirrored back to him in relationships. How he responds to you depends on how you're responding to him. From the outset, if the vibe isn't there, it'll likely not get past the light friendship stage.

Libra guys will be deflated if you're not returning respect or admiration. The Libra man wants to be with those who think he's an incomparable wit.

The Dark Side of Libra

The dark side of Libra is that it's a sign skilled in social manipulation, which can be used nefariously, such as using you to circulate among your friends in order to get ahead. If he has a wandering eye or seems preoccupied, he might be imagining life with another.

What the Libra Man Wants

He's an air sign, so a key to knowing if it's a match is discovering his mind. Being on the same wavelength in terms of preoccupations is what creates the foundation. His leanings are toward refined living, and he's likely a bit of a metrosexual. That's not to say he's not manly or edgy; Libra actors Viggo Mortensen and Clive Owen spring to mind.

You score points when you show that you appreciate his artful eye. This might be complimenting his home decor or his clean and upscale man-style. He knows how to evoke a light, luxurious mood to relax and be sultry in. If you're receptive to his generous moves, he'll keep it up with the romance.

A Libra man is attracted to a mate who complements him in every way, including aesthetically. In other words, you have to look good together. He values women who are well put together, healthy, sophisticated, bright, socially curious, and fair-minded. Above all, honesty will win his heart.

Being an excellent conversationalist and having good taste will also score points. Dress well but don't reveal too much; he doesn't want to know everything all at once. That applies to appearance and the inner you, so go slow and let his charm reveal who you are.

If it's right, his inner curiosity will spark a friendship into something more. Understand that it's not all about sex. The friendship and then the relationship are priorities.

Libras love love and many born under this sign find each other. If a Libra man likes his reflection in you and finds room there for growth, it's a divine match of incredible twosome synchronicity.

What Not to Do

To win the Libra man, don't stoop to a gossipy or lowbrow attitude. He can't handle a lot of confrontation and could be flustered by a strong-willed partner. He's not particularly direct because there's always a beat in between as he's sizing up a situation.

If he's thrown off balance too much by an impatient date, he'll start to get surly. He's looking for closeness but needs that mental space to do his thing before taking action. The right partner gets this and respects him enough not to take advantage of the pregnant pauses.

Practice Patience

Unless he's head over heels, it may be hard to trust the Libra man's sincerity. That's because he's charming and charmed by each dazzling possibility in his orbit. He's reluctant to be claimed, wanting to stay open to the best life has to offer.

However, once he's found his "other half," his focus turns to the relationship. He's a steady anchor for long-term pairing, always looking for ways to make it better.

What to Say to a Man During Love Making
